
Safety Guidelines of Seinäjoki University Consortium (UCS)

Read and print the safety instructions and place them at your workstation! 
You will find A4 printable instructions in the rescue plan: Rescue Plan: Frami ABC

Important Numbers

Call 112 in case

  • you notice a fire and have not heard the fire alarm.
  • a theft occurs.
  • a threat has been made.
  • a dangerous person has been seen in the premises.
  • someone is having a seizure, and an ambulance is required.

Download the 112 Suomi app to your phone!

In other cases than urgent emergencies and after calling 112, call the Coordinator of the University Consortium, tel. 050 330 3519 (Mon-Fri from 8.00 to 16.00) or the emergency facilities service SOL Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy, tel. 0400 660 166. In weekday evenings and on weekends, call the Securitas district security service tel.  020 491 2600.

Security Organisation

Contact person in Frami C building
Property Manager Janne Pätsi, SOL Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
tel. 0400 660 756,

Security manager (Frami/Into Seinäjoki Oy)
Property Manager Anssi Puska
tel. 044 418 1413,

First manager of the emergency shelter
Property Manager Janne Pätsi, SOL Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy, 
tel. 0400 660 756,

Manager of electrical equipment use
Director of Electrical Work Tuomo Ojala, Director of Electrical Work at Selekto
tel. 0400 628 447

First fire alarm operator
Property Manager Janne Pätsi, SOL Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
tel. 040 066 0756,

On-call facilities management
SOL Kiinteistöpalvelut Oy, tel. 0400 660 166

On-call security company
Securitas Oy, tel. 020 491 260

Director, University Centre Coordination
Olli-Pekka Viinamäki
Tampere University
tel. 050 528 0005,

Meeting place and emergency shelter

Meeting place in the C building:
Parking place adjacent to Jouppilantie.
An alternative meeting place or when gathering indoors: the entrance hall of Frami D

Emergency shelter: C110.1 VSS and C110.2 storeroom/emergency shelter

Rescue plan

Please read Frami ABC’s rescue plan carefully. Rescue Plan: Frami ABC

Fire, gas and radiation hazards

What to do when there is a fire

  • When fire bells are ringing, put on your coat (only if you are in the same space as your coat), leave the premises immediately and go to the meeting place outside the building.
  • Use the shortest escape route or the alternative route if you cannot use the shortest route.
  • Please ensure that the other people in the building have also heard the alarm and reacted to it.
  • Escape routes are marked with green exit route signs.

Each person must familiarise themselves with their shortest personal escape route and its alternatives!

Meeting place: 1 Parking place adjacent to Jouppilantie.
An alternative meeting place or when gathering indoors: the entrance hall of Frami D.

First aid supplies, fire alarms and fire extinguishers

First aid supplies

First aid supplies can be found:

  • in the premises of C 230.1.2 and C 240.1.2 of UCS.
  • The property owner’s first-aid kit can be found on floor 1 of the C building, near the doors marked C1 and C2.
  • A defibrillator can be found in the entrance hall of the B and D buildings.

Fire alarms

Break the glass of the fire alarm to alert the fire brigade directly.

Quick fire hoses

Quick fire hoses are placed in the corridors and other spaces and the cases contain user instructions. The cases are predominantly white, and they marked with red stickers.

Portable fire extinguishers

Portable fire extinguishers can be found in the corridors with user instructions printed on the side.
Portable fire extinguishers are marked with red stickers.

Fire blankets

There are fire blankets in the photocopy room in block C 230.1.2. and the Student Hub kitchen in block C 240.1.2. User instructions are included.